Tuesday, October 1, 2024

19 Best Houseplants with Purple Leaves


Purple is often connected with wisdom, creativity, and peace.

Adding purple houseplants to your home is a great way to brighten up your space, especially when outdoor gardening isn’t an option.

Apart from improving the aesthetic appeal of your indoor space, these houseplants can enhance the quality of air, reduce stress, boost productivity, and make you feel happier.

Along with purple-colored leaves, you can grow indoor plants with purple flowers.

Lavender, Calathea, Ruby’s Necklace, Iron Cross Begonia, and Chinese Evergreen are among the best houseplants with purple leaves.

These low-maintenance plants thrive in indirect sunlight with minimal care.

19 Best Houseplants with Purple Leaves

You’re lucky if you have indoor plants.

Just a quick look at those large green leaves can be a great stress reliever. In a world surrounded by concrete, growing vibrant houseplants offer a refreshing escape from the daily grind.

Below are some houseplants with purple leaves. Pick your favorites to beautify your home with natural color.

1. Lavender Plant

Lavender is prominent for its aromatic benefits. Its purple-colored leaves fill your living space with beauty and fragrance.

Growing this culinary herb is easy, provided that the plant gets enough sunlight for about 6 hours and has well-drained soil.

Regulate watering frequency depending on climatic conditions in your region. In other words, water the lavender plant when you notice the top 2 inches of the soil are dry.

Avoid excess watering and over-fertilization, as it can result in root rot.

2. Calathea

homemade fertilizer for calatheahomemade fertilizer for calathea

Calathea is known for its stunning foliage, with leaves that often have intricate patterns and rich purple undersides. These plants add a touch of elegance to any indoor space.

To keep your Calathea thriving, place it in a spot with bright, indirect light, as direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Calatheas prefer consistently moist soil, so water regularly, but be sure to avoid letting the plant sit in waterlogged soil. It’s also essential to maintain high humidity levels, as Calatheas thrive in a humid environment. Mist the leaves regularly or use a humidifier to keep the air around the plant moist.

Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes, as Calatheas are sensitive to cold and dry air. With proper care, this low-maintenance plant will reward you with its vibrant, colorful leaves year-round.

3. Rubber Tree

The Rubber Tree ‘Burgundy’ is admired for its broad, glossy leaves, which display a deep, rich purple hue. These plants add a bold and modern touch to your indoor space.

To keep your Rubber Tree healthy, place it in a location with bright, indirect light, although it can tolerate lower light conditions if necessary. Water the plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry, and ensure the soil is well-drained to prevent root rot. This plant enjoys a stable environment, so avoid placing it in areas with drafts or sudden temperature changes.

Occasionally, clean the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and enhance their natural shine. With minimal care, the Rubber Tree will continue to grow and display its striking foliage, making it a standout feature in your home year-round.

4. Purple Oxalis

    Purple Oxalis, also known as “False Shamrock,” is recognized for its eye-catching, triangular leaves that are a vibrant shade of purple. The leaves fold up at night and open during the day, adding a dynamic element to your indoor space.

    To keep your Purple Oxalis thriving:

    • Place it in bright, indirect light, as this will enhance the color of its leaves.
    • Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, and make sure the soil is well-drained to prevent waterlogging.
    • During the winter months, watering is reduced as the plant enters a period of dormancy.

    Purple Oxalis prefers cooler temperatures and good air circulation, so avoid placing it in areas with excessive heat. With proper care, this plant will produce delicate white or pink flowers, complementing its stunning purple foliage.

    5. Graptoveria

      Graptoveria is a hybrid succulent that features thick, fleshy leaves arranged in rosettes, often displaying a range of colors from greenish-purple to deep violet. Its compact form and striking hues make it a favorite for adding a pop of color to indoor arrangements.

      To care for Graptoveria, provide it with bright, direct sunlight, as this will bring out its vibrant colors. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, as this plant is drought-tolerant and sensitive to overwatering. Use well-draining soil, such as a cactus mix, to prevent root rot.

      Graptoveria thrives in warm, dry conditions and can tolerate some neglect, making it an excellent choice for busy or novice gardeners. With minimal care, this low-maintenance succulent will reward you with its stunning, colorful foliage.

      6. Ruby’s Necklace

        Ruby’s Necklace is a unique succulent with long, trailing stems that display vibrant, ruby-colored leaves. The striking contrast between the purple-red leaves and yellow flowers makes it a popular choice for hanging baskets or cascading over the edge of pots.

        To keep Ruby’s Necklace healthy, place it in bright, indirect light, which will help maintain its vivid colors. Water the plant when the soil is arid, and ensure it is planted in well-draining soil to avoid root rot. This succulent prefers dry conditions, so be careful not to overwater.

        Ruby’s Necklace is tolerant of a range of temperatures, but it does best in warm environments. With proper care, this eye-catching plant will thrive, adding a splash of color and texture to your indoor garden.

        7. Purple Sweet Potato Vine

          The Purple Sweet Potato Vine is celebrated for its striking, heart-shaped purple leaves that can add a vibrant touch to any indoor space. This versatile plant is often used in hanging baskets or as a trailing accent.

          To care for your Purple Sweet Potato Vine, place it in bright, indirect light. The plant prefers consistently moist soil, so water regularly, but ensure the soil drains well to prevent waterlogging. It thrives in warm temperatures and high humidity, making it ideal for indoor environments.

          This fast-growing vine can tolerate some neglect, but keep an eye on it for any signs of overwatering or root rot. With minimal care, the Purple Sweet Potato Vine will continue to provide lush, colorful foliage throughout the year.

          8. Gloxinia

            Gloxinia is known for its beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers and lush, velvety leaves that often have a deep purple hue. This plant is an excellent choice for adding a touch of elegance to your indoor garden.

            To grow Gloxinia successfully, place it in bright, indirect light and maintain consistent moisture in the soil. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, and avoid getting water on the leaves to prevent fungal issues. Gloxinia prefers high humidity, so misting the plant or using a humidifier can help keep it healthy.

            Provide a warm environment and avoid sudden temperature changes. With proper care, Gloxinia will reward you with its stunning blooms and rich purple foliage.

            9. Persian Shield

              Persian Shield is renowned for its striking, iridescent purple leaves that shimmer with metallic hues. This plant makes a bold statement in any indoor setting with its unique and vibrant foliage.

              To keep your Persian Shield thriving, place it in bright, indirect light to enhance its purple color. Keep the soil consistently moist but well-drained, and avoid letting the plant sit in standing water. The plant prefers warm temperatures and high humidity, so consider misting the leaves or using a humidifier.

              To keep your Persian shield healthy, avoid drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. With its dramatic foliage, this plant will bring a touch of exotic elegance to your indoor space.

              10. Purple Heart

                Purple Heart is valued for its striking, deep purple leaves and trailing growth habit, making it an excellent choice for hanging baskets or cascading over shelves.

                To care for Purple Heart, provide it with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant color. Water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry and ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent root rot. This relatively low-maintenance plant can tolerate a range of indoor conditions.

                Purple Heart thrives in warm temperatures and will increase with minimal care, making it a lively addition to any indoor garden.

                11. Purple Passion

                19 Best Houseplants with Purple Leaves

                  Purple Passion is known for its velvety purple leaves and unique texture. Its lush foliage adds a touch of exotic beauty to indoor spaces.

                  Place Purple Passion in bright, indirect light to keep its color vibrant. Water the plant regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. It prefers high humidity, so misting or using a humidifier can be beneficial.

                  Avoid direct sunlight and sudden temperature changes, as these can cause stress to the plant. With proper care, Purple Passion will provide a lush, colorful display year-round.

                  12. Tradescantia Zebrina

                    Tradescantia Zebrina, also known as Wandering Jew, features striking purple and silver-striped leaves that add texture and color to any indoor garden. Its trailing habit makes it ideal for hanging baskets or as a ground cover.

                    For best results, place Tradescantia Zebrina in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, and ensure the soil drains well to avoid root rot. This plant is tolerant of a range of indoor conditions but prefers warm temperatures and high humidity.

                    Tradescantia Zebrina is a fast-growing plant that requires minimal care, making it an excellent choice for adding a touch of color and elegance to your home.

                    13. Moses in the Cradle

                      Moses in the Cradle is recognized for its unique, folded leaves with vibrant purple undersides and striking green tops. This plant adds a bold architectural element to indoor spaces.

                      To care for Moses in the Cradle, place it in bright, indirect light. Water regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. The plant prefers warm temperatures and high humidity, so consider misting or using a humidifier.

                      Avoid letting the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot. With its dramatic foliage, Moses in the Cradle is sure to be a focal point in any room.

                      14. Purple Waffle Plant

                        The Purple Waffle Plant is known for its textured, purple leaves that resemble a waffle pattern. This plant is an attractive choice for adding depth and color to indoor spaces.

                        To keep your Purple Waffle Plant healthy, place it in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, and ensure the soil is well-drained to prevent waterlogging. The plant thrives in warm temperatures and high humidity, so regular misting or a humidifier can be beneficial.

                        Purple Waffle Plant is relatively low-maintenance and, with its unique foliage, will continue to add visual interest to your indoor garden.

                        15. Echeveria

                          Echeveria is a rosette-forming succulent that can exhibit a range of colors, including shades of purple. Its compact, geometric shape makes it a popular choice for indoor gardens.

                          Place Echeveria in bright, direct light to enhance its color. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and use well-draining soil to prevent root rot. This plant prefers warm, dry conditions and can tolerate some neglect.

                          Echeveria is a hardy succulent that requires minimal care, making it an excellent choice for adding a pop of purple to your indoor space.

                          16. Coleus

                            Coleus is renowned for its vibrant, multicolored foliage, which can include stunning shades of purple. This plant adds a splash of color to any indoor garden with its diverse leaf patterns.

                            To care for Coleus, provide it with bright, indirect light to maintain its rich colors. Keep the soil consistently moist but well-drained, and avoid letting it dry out completely. Coleus thrives in warm temperatures and high humidity, so regular misting or a humidifier can help.

                            This fast-growing plant is versatile and can be pruned to maintain its shape, making it a colorful and dynamic addition to your home.

                            17. Ti Plant

                              The Ti Plant is known for its bold, colorful foliage, which can range from deep purple to bright red. Its striking appearance makes it a standout feature in any indoor garden.

                              To keep your Ti Plant thriving, place it in bright, indirect light. Water regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. The plant prefers warm temperatures and high humidity, so consider misting or using a humidifier.

                              Ti Plant is relatively low-maintenance but should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. With proper care, it will provide vibrant color and texture to your indoor space.

                              18. Rex Begonia

                                Rex Begonia is celebrated for its dramatic foliage, which features striking purple and silver patterns. This plant adds a touch of elegance to indoor gardens with its unique leaf coloration.

                                To care for Rex Begonia, place it in bright, indirect light. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, and ensure it is planted in well-draining soil. Rex Begonias prefers high humidity, so regular misting or using a humidifier can help keep the plant healthy.

                                Avoid letting the plant sit in waterlogged soil, as this can lead to root rot. With proper care, Rex Begonia will continue to offer its stunning, colorful leaves throughout the year.

                                19. Prayer Plant

                                  The Prayer Plant is known for its unique leaf pattern and vibrant purple undersides. At night, the leaves fold up, resembling hands in prayer, adding a dynamic element to your indoor garden.

                                  To keep your Prayer Plant healthy, place it in bright, indirect light. Water regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. The plant thrives in high humidity, so misting the leaves or using a humidifier can be beneficial.

                                  Prayer Plant prefers warm temperatures and should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. With its striking foliage and unique movement, it makes a captivating addition to any indoor space.


                                  If you want to turn your home into a green jungle, you must start growing different-colored houseplants.

                                  Indoor plants with purple color are one such collection that is associated with peace and royalty.

                                  Most of them are easy to grow, provided that you fulfill their growing requirements.

                                  I added lavender and prayer plants to my favourite houseplant collection. Let me know yours in the comments.

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